Instinctively curious, the fields of Computer Science and Biology have always attracted me. After the baccalauréat, the French secondary school diploma, I had to choose between this areas. As I'm a reasonable person, I chose biology because I never had computer sciences courses before. Nevertheless, I still had computer science in mind. So, once my bachelor degree in biology ended, I naturally decided to reorient myself towards a bachelor degree in database. I don't regret this choice today, and it's with pleasure that, every morning, I wake up to go to work!
Thanks to the various projects I have worked on, professional or personal, I acquired some skills, especially in these areas:
Software Engineer - Application Development and Deployment
CNRS - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, France
The SVOM mission consist in analyzing past stars thanks to a dedicated satellite that intercepts gamma ray bursts produced by the stars when they die. The satellite captures these rays, study them and send information about it on Earth where telescopes take over the study.
I was involved in the development of ANIS framework which is a dedicated tool to provide and visualize astrophysics data. In addition, I developed the SVOM mission specific modules. I was also in charge of improve the software quality, notably by setting up unit testing for the frontend part in Angular.
#Angular #RxJS #Jasmine #Jest #Bootstrap4 #ResponsiveDesign #API #REST #git #Docker #CI/CD
Software engineer
The Currency Shop - Melbourne, Australia
The Currency Shop is a comparison website for international money transfers and travel money. They provide guides, reviews and converter to find the best exchange rates.
To reach out new costumers internationally, I deployed Wordpress websites hosted on Microsoft Azure. I was in charge of taking over in-house the main website from a web agency. I built a currency converter that interacts with Wize APIs.
#Azure #Symfony3 #Bootstrap3 #ResponsiveDesign #PHPOO #Doctrine2 #MySQL
Software Engineer - Application Development and Deployment
CNRS - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, France
GAZPAR is an application that allows users to execute some tools remotely on their own catalogues of stars. These tools are developed and provided by the LAM and partners. Users get results with added values due to the valuation of the scientific responsible of the choosen tool.
My main task was to rewrite the application in Angular2+ and PHP, previously in Django (Python). I had to add new features like large file size to download and add new tools in GAZPAR. I was also able to optimize the PostgreSQL database.
#Angular2 #Bootstrap3 #ResponsiveDesign #PHPOO #Slim3 #Doctrine2 #PostgreSQL
Database and programming engineer
GIS Posidonie, France
POPCOrn is a counting tool of fish and coral present in the Parc National des Calanques to dertermined the good health of it. This internal application is made for GIS Posidonie divers, the Parc National des Calanques divers, and in a long term, for the Parc National de Port Cros divers.
I worked on a PostgreSQL database conception and data migration from an Microsoft Access database. In addition I managed to store and manipulate spatial data with the PostGIS extension. Finally I built a web application that allows divers to enter new data to the database.
#PostgreSQL #PostGIS #jQuery #Twig #Bootstrap3 #PHP #Doctrine2
Web developer internship
CNRS - Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille, France
Conception of a web application to manage IBDM publications and users preferences related to their publications. These operations were done manually before the application.
I did a web application to manage institute publications and users preferences related to their publications. These operations were done manually before the application. Made with PHP, HTML, CSS, jQuery and few plugins, this application is based on MySQL database that I built with MERISE methodology.
#MySQL #MERISE #PHP #Doctrine2 #Twig #jQuery #jQueryPlugins
Angular - The Complete Guide
Python: from fundamentals to the use of the language
Bachelor Degree in Management and Statistical Processing of Database
With honors
Aix-Marseille Université, France
Bachelor of Science Degree in Cellular Biology
With honors
Aix-Marseille Université, France
C2i level 1 (Internet and Computer Science Certificate), France
Baccalauréat (French secondary school diploma) with a major in Biology
With honors
Lycée Alain-René Lesage, France
The SVOM mission consist in analyzing past stars thanks to a dedicated satellite that intercepts gamma ray bursts produced by the stars when they die. The satellite captures these rays, study them and send information about it on Earth where telescopes take over the study.
I was involved in the development of ANIS framework which is a dedicated tool to provide and visualize astrophysics data. In addition, I developed the SVOM mission specific modules. I was also in charge of improve the software quality, notably by setting up unit testing for the frontend part in Angular.
#Angular #RxJS #Jasmine #Jest #Bootstrap4 #ResponsiveDesign #API #REST #git #Docker #CI/CD
To be able to introduce myself while learning new things, it's exactly what allows me this website! The first version was in Symfony, with a classic contact form and hosted on a dedicated server. Even if it was functional, I decided to switch host to GitHub Pages which makes maintenance easier. Also, I wanted to learn Tailwindcss to take ownership of the design. Challenge DONE !
Source code available here.
#Symfony #Jekyll #Tailwindcss #jQuery #GitHubPages #GitHubActions #Docker
GAZPAR is an application that allows users to execute some tools remotely on their own catalogues of stars. These tools are developed and provided by the LAM and partners. Users get results with added values due to the valuation of the scientific responsible of the choosen tool.
My main task was to rewrite the application in Angular2+ and PHP, previously in Django (Python). I had to add new features like large file size to download and add new tools in GAZPAR. I was also able to optimize the PostgreSQL database.
#Angular2 #Bootstrap3 #ResponsiveDesign #PHPOO #Slim3 #Doctrine2 #PostgreSQL
A mate said to me "You MUST try Tailwind, it's awesome!". And when I realized that it was him who recommend me Docker, I already knew that it was right. So it's a good opportunity to refresh my website with.
Technical skills are important but not everything, so I decided to improve mine with... A baby! This little thing will be my main occupation for few months. In the program of this training: organization, anticipation, multitasking...
Unit tests... There is a lot of tweet, articles, podcasts, youtube videos about unit tests! However no one around me really do it. But a project requirement forced me to do it. And what a chance! Now I can truly understand the potentiel and the importance of testing. Never again without!
I was invited to do a small talk about Angular in a network of computer scientists within the CNRS. After a brief moment of panic I realized the honor it was and I was very pleased to share with them what I know of Angular.
To go further with Angular and increase parallels with React, I decided to dive in the implementation of NgRX. Reactive programmation, Redux, state management, Observer-Observable design pattern... Lost, aren't you? Me too! But not for much longer ;)
This year I welcome my first baby. It's time for me to put development aside, to take time for my family and I. Even I'm looking forward to get back to work more tired motivated than ever!
I discovered Symfony when I made my website, then at The Currency Shop. However, I'm far away to use it at its maximum potential. I would like to use it as backend only, in combination with Angular. This way, I could pretend for a full stack.
Angular, again?! Yep! I want to keep my skills and stay up-to-date (Angular evolve sooo fast, you know what I mean...). Maybe I'll even try some new features that come with the latest versions of Angular. What madness!
A mate told me "You MUST try Docker, it's awesome!". Indeed, it looks very great! Here is few points that convinced me to use it: no longer be dependant of the OS and no need to install something on the computer except Docker. The maniac that I am really appreciate :)
2017: year of all challenges! I decided to move to Melbourne in Australia. I don't speak fluently English (yet) so I accept the challenge in order to integrate myself professionally and personally. Also, be kind if you see misspelling or bad use of English here :)
Angular? But which one? I mention here the latest project of Google which is the descendant of AngularJS (RIP). The futur will tell us if it will make the difference among the other frontend frameworks or not.
As web developer, we have to deal with interface and design. It's why the use of a CSS framework could be very handy. I choose Bootstrap because it's a safe bet, easy to use and pretty results.
Interested by my profile? Want to keep my resume or share it in the classic way?
Social Stats
It's an application to visualize when social posts are created, depending on the week day, hour and their types (Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram...). Real time messages are send over an SSE stream to get info about posts. The web client is subscribed to this stream and update itself with the received data.
Application available here and source code available there.
#Angular #StreamSSE #MaterialDesign #GitHubPages #GitHubActions #Docker